Israeli intelligence did not share PM Benjamin Netanyahu's view that Iran was a year away from making a nuclear bomb, a leaked cable suggests.
In 2012, Mr Netanyahu said Iran needed to be stopped, telling the UN the country could build a weapon next year.
But a Mossad report said Iran was "not performing the activity necessary to produce weapons", according to al-Jazeera and The Guardian.
An Israeli official said there was "no discrepancy" between the accounts.
The Mossad report is part of a batch of documents leaked to al-Jazeera and shared with the Guardian.
They mainly involve exchanges between South Africa's intelligence agency and its foreign counterparts.
Other cables suggest:
- The CIA tried to access the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas through backchannels, despite an official ban on contact
- South Africa monitored suspected Iranian agents under pressure from the US
- British intelligence asked for help from the South Africans to recruit a North Korean spy
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